
Do you ever feel like if you were to sit down with someone, and have a positive conversation, you would come across as someone completely different? Even if only a few months have passed since you last saw them? I feel that way right now, but I have forgiven myself & him for all that's happened. I can't hold grudges, I can't continue holding anger inside. I have to think positive about the life I'm living, and move forward. What's done is done and can't be changed, can't be fixed, but I've restored a lot of my faith back in God thanks to everything in my life right now, and things just seem to keep getting better.

I can't believe Mike & I's 6 months will be on Sunday. It's so unbelievable how fast these months have flown by, and how much things have changed with me. Earlier this year I was considering moving to Greensboro, and now I'm moving home with my parents, temporarily, and wondering where my life will take me next. The good thing about this company is I could do it from anywhere, in my own home. The money will be good, but for the time being, I'm still working at UNCC, and I will be saving up that money and seeing the better side of things from this moment forward. I wonder where I'll end up; the problem is I don't want to live in another apartment. I'd love to find a house to rent, maybe a roomate to rent with me.

There are perks to living alone vs. having roomates, but the vice verse applies as well.

Once I'm living at home for at least a month I'll figure things out I'm sure.


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